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Elder Care - Questions & Answers

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Can I get a loan if am owing $9,000



It depends on various factors such as credit score, income, collateral, and the lender's eligibility criteria. However, having an outstanding debt of $9,000 can potentially affect your creditworthiness and ability to qualify for a loan. It is recommended to review your credit report, explore repayment options for your debt, and consider improving your credit score before applying for a loan....Read More

My mom has a LTC insurance policy with Mutual of Omaha. She has had it since 2001. She is now in need of services. They are now sending the policy, and apparently have to review medical records after requested; could take weeks. Honor service policy?e



It is common for LTC insurance providers to review medical records before approving benefits. This can indeed take some time. If you are concerned about the delays, it may be best to contact Mutual of Omaha directly to ask for an estimated timeline for the review process. You could also check your policy documents to see if there are any provisions for expedited review or emergency situations. Additionally, you may want to look into home care agencies or other providers in the meantime to ensure that your mother is receiving the care she needs....Read More

I had ro moss 4 daya od work becase od the covid, i was near someone who tested positive, i wear my mask



I'm sorry to hear about your situation. It's important to prioritize your health and safety, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. If you were in close contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19, it is recommended to self-quarantine for a certain number of days, typically 10-14 days, depending on local health guidelines. During this time, it's crucial to monitor yourself for any symptoms and follow the advice of healthcare professionals.

Wearing a mask is an important preventive measure, but it's not completely foolproof. It's always a good idea to maintain proper social distancing, frequently wash your hands or use hand sanitizer, and avoid crowded places to minimize the risk of exposure.

If your workplace requires documentation or a note for your absence, you may need to obtain a medical certificate or follow the necessary procedures outlined by your employer or local health authorities.

Remember, your health and the well-being of those around you should be the top priority. Stay informed and follow the guidelines provided by healthcare professionals to ensure a safe recovery and prevent further spread of the virus.

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What is the cheapest amount will i pay for a 1986Ford crown Victoria ltd



Prices can vary depending on factors such as location, condition, mileage, and other factors. It is best to research and compare prices from local dealerships and private sellers to get an accurate estimate of the cheapest price for this car....Read More

Do a person have the power to change beneficiaries for the person court gave you the guardianship



In general, guardianship is obtained when a legal guardian is appointed by a court to manage the personal and financial affairs of a minor or an incapacitated adult. The appointed guardian has the legal responsibility to act in the best interests of their ward and to manage their assets.

If the appointed guardian wishes to change the beneficiaries for their ward's assets, they must seek approval from the court before making any changes. Generally, the court will evaluate the guardian's request and determine whether the proposed change is in the ward's best interest or not before approving it.

It is also important to note that the power to change beneficiaries may be limited by the specific terms of the guardianship agreement and the laws of the state where the guardianship was established. Therefore, it is recommended that guardians consult with an attorney for guidance on the specific laws and regulations that apply to their situation.

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